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Scholarship Program

Stay Tuned For Updates This Fall On Our Next Scholarship Opportunity!

The 2023 Scholarship Competition is now closed.

DriveSafe Driving Schools College Scholarship Form

Please fill in the information below to submit your application for the 2022-2023 DriveSafe Driving Schools Scholarship Competition.

Please Note: For a submission to be considered, it must include a completed Application Form (above) and qualifying submission. If you are submitting an essay, please attach it to this form.

Please name the file "essay_" followed by your name.
For example: essay_YourName.doc

Accepted file type: doc, docx, pdf
Documents submitted in an incorrect format will not be considered.

The DriveSafe Driving Schools 2022-2023 Scholarship Winner is...

Bailey Perczak

We are excited to announce that the DriveSafe Scholarship Competition winner for 2023 is
Bailey Perczak!

Bailey is a first-year medical student at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. She graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2022 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Neuroscience and Behavior and a minor in Patient Advocacy. Originally from Colorado, she grew up in the Broomfield area and attended Peak to Peak Charter School along with her younger siblings. When home from her schooling, she still thoroughly enjoys taking fun drives through the mountains and foothills of Colorado with her siblings and hometown friends. Her newest road-trip sidekick is her husky puppy, Luna, who is also a big fan of the scenic mountain drives!

Bailey is incredibly excited to continue along her medical school journey for the next four years. Throughout her 
undergraduate career, she had the opportunity to learn all about patient advocacy and the various socioeconomic factors that can affect patients’ health. One of her biggest interests for her medical school career lies in studying healthcare inequities and finding ways to help kids to have better access to the care and resources that they need to live healthy and happy lives!

Bailey explains that due to the strenuous nature of medical schooling, the vast majority of students are unable to 
work during their four years of education. DriveSafe’s scholarship will help towards costs of tuition, and will allow her a little more breathing room throughout this first year. In her extra time, she hopes to partake in Case Western’s Student Run Health Clinic, which provides free healthcare to individuals in the greater Cleveland community, and to complete research regarding health inequalities.


As an education company committed to preparing students for their future, DriveSafe Driving Schools celebrates educational opportunities and recognizes the importance of education in helping individuals reach their greatest potential. To demonstrate our commitment, we are pleased to provide the DriveSafe Scholarship Competition, the winner of which will receive a $1,500 scholarship that can be used in any way to enhance your education. To compete for the scholarship, students must complete the application and submit an essay (250-500 words in length) or video (4 minutes or less) addressing the following prompt:

How has learning to drive helped you in ways you didn’t expect?


With 12 locations across the Denver metro area and beyond, DriveSafe is the largest and most trusted driving school in Colorado. DriveSafe is committed to delivering the most comprehensive drivers education training across the state. Whether you are looking to enroll in a comprehensive classroom course, coming in for driving lessons, or opting to take the license test with DriveSafe, know that DriveSafe is trusted by more families in Colorado than any other driving school.

Additional Information


  • Application Due: April 2, 2023
  • Winner Announced: May 1, 2023


  • For a submission to be considered, it must not contain any inappropriate images, language, or content.
  • Eligibility for the competition requires a completed application form (above) and qualifying submission.
  • Submissions must be received by 11:59 PM MST on Sunday, April 2, 2023.
  • Essays and links to video entries must be submitted via the online application above.
  • All video submissions must be posted to YouTube or Vimeo and must include #DriveSafeScholarship and a link to Video posts must be made public.

Other Details:

  • The DriveSafe Scholarship Competition is not open to employees of the company or their family members.
  • The decision of the judges is FINAL and is not subject to review.
  • The prize is exclusively for the winner and is neither transferrable nor exchangeable.
  • All submissions remain the property of the scholarship candidate. DriveSafe assumes no ownership rights.


One scholarship of $1,500 will be awarded to a Colorado high school student or graduate with plans to further their education.

Eligibility requirements

  • Must be a Colorado high school student or graduate with plans to further their education.
  • For video submissions, you must upload your video to YouTube or Vimeo and must include #DriveSafeScholarship and a link to

Judging criteria

  • Originality
  • Fresh point of view
  • Creativity
  • Emotional impact
  • “Realness”
  • Thoughtfulness and maturity

Selection process

  • Winner will be notified on or around April 26, 2023.
  • The decision of the DriveSafe selection board is final.
  • The scholarship winner agrees to allow DriveSafe the right to publish the entrant’s name, photograph images, all personal and other information (including general locations) for the purpose of DriveSafe and the competition’s publicity, promotion, and news (including use in broadcast media, printed publications, editorial and PR activities, and online).

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