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Classes And Driving Lessons Now Available in Castle Rock

Live Drivers Ed Online: Bridging the Gap Between the Classroom and the Digital World

Due to the protective isolation measures currently in place, our day-to-day routines are changing, and we’re being forced to put many of our plans and activities on the backburner to ensure the safety of our communities. The adjustments have been tough to navigate, but we’re slowly figuring out how to adapt to the current circumstances while still moving forward with our goals and lives. 

The good news is that young people who have been excited to learn how to drive this spring and summer don’t have to postpone those plans. In addition to our online courses, the state of Colorado has approved a measure allowing students to take drivers ed in a live online setting via Zoom.

It’s an exciting development that helps to bridge the gap between the classroom and the digital world. If you’re interested in exploring this option, the following information will help answer your questions about this new, innovative platform: 

What Benefits Does the Live Online Drivers Ed Option Offer that Traditional Online Courses Don’t?

The live Zoom course differs fairly significantly from our online options. While both have their perks, here are a few of the main distinctions:

  • Zoom mimics the classroom. With our live classes on Zoom, students will experience the classroom setting from the comfort and safety of their own homes. Whereas the students absorb the material by themselves and at their own pace with our online programs, the live courses are actively taught by our expert instructors. Additionally, students will virtually attend the class alongside other students rather than completing the course alone. 
  • Zoom requires attendance and a webcam. The online courses are available 24/7 and are completely self-paced. With Zoom, students must stay logged in for the entire class period in order to get credit for that class, and there will be periodic attendance checks to ensure they are staying focused. Part of achieving this does require students to have access to a webcam while they are attending the virtual session. Because the self-isolation requirements have disrupted normalcy for many students, adhering to a schedule can help reinstate a sense of routine and consistency for your teenager. 
  • Zoom allows for low-stress, interactive participation. If your teenager is already feeling isolated and disconnected from others, the classroom-like setting can help provide a bit of balance. Students can interact with their instructors, and initial reports are showing that they are more likely to participate by asking/answering questions with Zoom than with in-person classes. Whether it’s because there’s no fear of speaking in front of a group or because they are less likely to be embarrassed for offering an incorrect answer, the online chat is proving to be a popular outlet for students to confidently offer their input. 
  • Zoom’s coursework varies slightly from the online platform. Both our live virtual sessions and online programs are thorough, and both will help your teen acquire the knowledge to pass the written test and learn fundamental skills to become a safe driver. However, there are some minor differences. The online course tends to take students slightly longer than 30 hours to complete, and they must pass each chapter quiz with an 80% or higher in order to advance through the course. With Zoom, students still take the chapter quizzes, but they are not graded. There is a homework assignment, but each student receives two hours of classroom credit for completing it. 

What If I’m Worried About My Student Taking In-Person Driving Lessons During This Time?

We understand that minimizing contact with others is important right now, and we support parents who are focused on keeping their children safe at home. Our programs never expire, so there is no rush. It is Colorado law that teens under 18 must hold their permits for one year before applying for a license, allowing plenty of time for you to schedule the driving lessons whenever is convenient and at a time that you feel fully comfortable in doing so. 

Are You Offering Any Special Discounts?

Here at DriveSafe Driving Schools, we are well aware that families all around Colorado are feeling the weight of the financial strain during this time, which is why we are happy to be offering discounted rates on our programs. We want to make access to drivers education convenient and affordable during this difficult time. 

You can browse our special offers here.

Sign Up Today!

Social distancing can be hard for parents and teens alike, and it’s easy to lose track of the days and feel overwhelmed by the monotony. By enrolling your son or daughter into our digital course, you can help give your teenager a sense of purpose and an exciting goal to work towards. Obtaining a drivers license is one of the most quintessential rights of passage in our society, and while so much may appear uncertain at the moment, it’s reassuring to know that joyful opportunities like learning how to drive are here to stay. 

Browse our drivers ed courses, or contact us with any questions you may have. We are happy to help!

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